Industrial Capital Goods
Industrial Capital Goods : Electrical and Lighting, Fluid Handling, Heat Transfer, Industrial Materials, Machinery, Power Equipment, Facility Equipment etc.
Electricl equipments and Lighting
Electricl equipments and Lighting are essential elements in all industrial sectors and processes, which are extensively applied in oil and gas, petrochemical, chemical, power generation, mining, infrastructure, offshore, marine, HVAC-R and manufacturing etc.
- LV & MV electrical control equipment
- Cables and conduits
- Motors and drives
- Lighting: LED, HID, Tungsten; anti-explosion, architecture, commercial etc.
Fluid handling
Fluid handling and its process may probably be most extensively industry-crossed technologies ever involved in relevant industrial processes, which cover diversified applications within sectors from oil and gas, chemical & petrochemical, power, mining, marine, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, agriculture, municipal, water treatment, paper & pulp, semi-conductor etc. industries.
- Compressors (Air and Gas)
- Fans
- Pumps
- Valves
- Fluid instrumentation
- Filters & separators
- Mixer and dryer
- Pressure vessels